Knowledges of disinfectant

8 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Chlorine Dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is one powerhouse sanitizer that is getting more attention recently as food processors look for more ef...

The difference between sanitizing and disinfecting.

The difference between sanitizing and disinfecting.-- One kills more germs than the otherSanitizers and disinfectants ge...

Best Water Purification Tablets For Drinking Water – Kills Bacteria & Germs

Water is the most important factor for humans to live that we all know.But wait,What we don’t know?Not only drinking wat...

Application of Chlorine Dioxide in Aquaculture

Regarding the identification of chlorine dioxide 1. The color is light yellow, if it is red or dark, add dichloro or tri...

Chlorine dioxide disinfection of water and fish/shrimp

Chlorine dioxide disinfection of water and fish/shrimpChlorine dioxide, known as the fourthgeneration disinfectant, is...

Chlorine dioxide: a better disinfection solution

Chlorine dioxide: a better disinfection solutionChoosing a disinfectant for both medical devices and surfaces can be con...

The features of Chlorine dioxide Disinfectant

The featuresIt is a synthesis gas that is common used in the disinfection treatment.Chlorine dioxide as an oxidantChlori...

Some knowledges of chlorine dioxide

1.1 What are chlorine dioxide and chlorite?Chlorine dioxide is a yellow to reddishyellow gas that can decompose rapidly ...

Advantages and disadvantages of common disinfectants

Advantages and disadvantages of common disinfectants such as chlorine dioxide, potassium persulfate, bleach powder and p...

General knowledge of potassium persulfate substrate tablets

General knowledge of potassium persulfate substrate tablets This paper will introduce various aspects of knowledge of po...

How to judge the quality of water and how to deal with it

How to judge the quality of water and how to deal with itIn the whole process of river shrimp cultivation, the quality o...